Honor Curtis. Donate Now!
How much should you give?
Any amount helps! If you can give more, we're seeking 100 Raving Fans who will donate $1,000 each over the course of 12 months. How much did Curtis impact your life? How much can you impact the life of others by supporting this Scholarship? Please donate today!
Acknowledged Forever
All Donors will be acknowledged on the scholarship award each year it is given out, so every student will know who helped create the award.
Double Your Impact!
Do you work for a company who will match your charitable donations? Are you invovled with any other groups who will match donations or help support education? If so, please let us know how we can help maximize your donation.
Acknowledged Forever
All Donors will be acknowledged on the scholarship award each year it is given out, so every student will know who helped create the award.
Double Your Impact!
Do you work for a company who will match your charitable donations? Are you invovled with any other groups who will match donations or help support education? If so, please let us know how we can help maximize your donation.